Rubau is strongly committed to respecting and conserving our environment, which has enabled the development of innovative projects, one of the most important of these being the campaign Hormigónverde [Green Concrete]. This project involved the in-plant recycling of hot bituminous mixtures for the first time in Spain. Another project which deserves a mention is the book Gestión ambiental en la ejecución de obras [Environmental Management of Works], a pioneer work in the sector in the identification of the principal environmental factors in the construction process. Both of these are the result of efforts by the company to continually improve the environment since the company was certified under the ISO Standard 14001 in the year 2000.
Rubau’s numerous contributions in this area have received various awards, including the International SIM Prize in Italy and the European Award for the Environment.
RUBAU has joined the Ministry’s initiative as a transparent company that discloses the emissions generated by its activities. The Carbon Footprint Registry, created by Royal Decree 163/2014, of March 14, records the efforts of Spanish organizations in calculating and reducing the greenhouse gas emissions generated by their activities. At the same time, it provides the possibility of offsetting all or part of their carbon footprint through a series of forestry projects located within the national territory. These projects integrate numerous environmental and social benefits, including the absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, also known as carbon sequestration. All registered footprints must be accompanied by a reduction plan and are verified before registration. When an organization is recognized for reducing its footprint, it is because it meets strict criteria demonstrating a downward trend in emissions. To recognize an offset within the framework of the Registry, the CO₂ tons acquired must come from projects registered within it.