The values and ethical principles internationally recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as the strict compliance with current legislation, constitute the basis of RUBAU’s Ethical Code. Our Ethical Code takes into account the principle of criminal liability of legal entities recognised in the Spanish legal system and prevents and prohibits the existence of behaviour on the part of legal representatives, managers, employees or any person who is under the authority of personnel of Construcciones Rubau, S.A, whose actions may give rise to the liability on company’s part. It is the fundamental rule that should govern the behaviour of employees of Construcciones Rubau S.A, in the development of their professional activity as well as in maintaining relationships with third parties. The general principles and the values contained in this Code may be extended by policies and procedures specific to each of these materials.
Consult our ethical code:
Corruption and fraud slow down economic development, and are detrimental to social justice and the rule of law, causing serious damage to the economy and society, and in many cases facilitating the operations of organized crime. RUBAU, established as a benchmark for its firm commitments to ethical principles, assumes the responsibility of actively participating in the challenge of preventing and fighting corruption and fraud in all its areas of activity. The Policy for the prevention of crimes and against corruption and fraud is intended to project to all RUBAU managers and employees, as well as to third parties who are related to the company, a message of outright opposition to the commission of any act unlawful criminal. This policy accredits RUBAU’s commitment to permanently monitoring and punishing fraudulent acts and conduct, maintaining effective communication and awareness mechanisms for all employees and developing a business culture of ethics and honesty, and sends a message resounding opposition to corruption and fraud in all its manifestations.
Consult our compliance Policy for Crime Prevention and Aainst Corruption and Fraud:
RUBAU compliance Policy for Crime Prevention and Aainst Corruption and Fraud.
The Information Security Policy is the set of guidelines that govern the way in which Construcciones Rubau, S.A. manages and protects the information it processes and the services it provides. In the development of its activities, Rubau uses technologies and information management systems of a diverse nature.
Regardless of the use of technologies, and the information system, the security of the information must be guaranteed at all times, avoiding, as far as possible, unauthorized access, use or alteration, since incidents may affect the legitimate interests of Rubau.
At the same time, the rights of Rubau workers, their clients, their suppliers and other natural or legal persons with whom a relationship is established must be guaranteed. These rights include industrial and commercial secrecy and the fundamental right to the protection of personal data.
For this purpose, Rubau has prepared and approved this Information Security Policy, which is mandatory for all workers. With it, optimal use of information systems is promoted, guaranteeing the rights of the people who use them.
This policy is understood, implemented and kept up to date at all levels of the company and has the full commitment and support of Rubau Management, who establishes, develops and applies it through its Integrated Management System (hereinafter, S.G.I.) in accordance with the provisions of the UNE-ISO/IEC 27001:2014 standard.
Consult our Information Security Policy:
To this end, a total quality system was introduced in the year 2000, in complete accord with the EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) model. This has enabled the implementation of systems for continuous improvement in the organisation and the structuring of processes with demonstrated effectiveness and efficiency. Rubau is certified under ISO Standard 9001, and was the first Spanish constructor to receive this certification.
The most important systems in the area of management are quality control systems, (the CPM System, widely recognised in Spain) and the cost control system. Moreover, the company’s organisation system is designed to not only satisfy external clients but also internal ones, enabling the development of high-level human resource programmes for the professional and personal development of members of the organisation through important processes of training and information.
As a result of the company’s significant commitment to quality, in the year 2000 Rubau received the Quality Award from the Government of Catalonia, the most important prize in this field awarded in Catalonia.
Rubau was one of the first Spanish companies to make a commitment to risk prevention management and since 1996 has had an occupational risk prevention management system integrated into the general management of the company, which is currently certified under the ISO 45001 standard. However, the most important contribution of the company in this field has been through the campaign Construyamos seguros [Let’s Build Safely]. This ambitious campaign was launched in the year 2000 and focuses on 8 important key areas. It is designed to provide technical and pedagogical tools to reduce industrial accident rates.
The significant commitment of the company in this area has been rewarded and well recognised at regional and national levels, most recently with the DIPLOOS National Work Safety Trophy.
As part of Construcciones Rubau’s commitment to ensuring the safety and health of everyone contributing to the efficient development of its activities, the company has established the need to define specific actions aimed at minimizing traffic accident risks, protecting the lives and health of employees, and promoting safe and responsible driving practices.
For this reason, the Management implements, maintains, and continuously improves a road safety management system in accordance with the ISO 39001 standard, committing to:
Rubau is strongly committed to respecting and conserving our environment, which has enabled the development of innovative projects, one of the most important of these being the campaign Hormigónverde [Green Concrete]. This project involved the in-plant recycling of hot bituminous mixtures for the first time in Spain. Another project which deserves a mention is the book Gestión ambiental en la ejecución de obras [Environmental Management of Works], a pioneer work in the sector in the identification of the principal environmental factors in the construction process. Both of these are the result of efforts by the company to continually improve the environment since the company was certified under the ISO Standard 14001 in the year 2000.
Rubau’s numerous contributions in this area have received various awards, including the International SIM Prize in Italy and the European Award for the Environment.
RUBAU has joined the Ministry’s initiative as a transparent company that discloses the emissions generated by its activities. The Carbon Footprint Registry, created by Royal Decree 163/2014, of March 14, records the efforts of Spanish organizations in calculating and reducing the greenhouse gas emissions generated by their activities. At the same time, it provides the possibility of offsetting all or part of their carbon footprint through a series of forestry projects located within the national territory. These projects integrate numerous environmental and social benefits, including the absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, also known as carbon sequestration. All registered footprints must be accompanied by a reduction plan and are verified before registration. When an organization is recognized for reducing its footprint, it is because it meets strict criteria demonstrating a downward trend in emissions. To recognize an offset within the framework of the Registry, the CO₂ tons acquired must come from projects registered within it.
This work is structured through an R&D&I Department, which carries out its activities based on a Development Plan that is reviewed annually. It has generated some very important projects for both the company and the sector in general.
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