Ethical code

The values ​​and ethical principles internationally recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as the strict compliance with current legislation, constitute the basis of RUBAU’s Ethical Code. Our Ethical Code takes into account the principle of criminal liability of legal entities recognised in the Spanish legal system and prevents and prohibits the existence of behaviour on the part of legal representatives, managers, employees or any person who is under the authority of personnel of Construcciones Rubau, S.A, whose actions may give rise to the liability on company’s part. It is the fundamental rule that should govern the behaviour of employees of Construcciones Rubau S.A, in the development of their professional activity as well as in maintaining relationships with third parties. The general principles and the values ​​contained in this Code may be extended by policies and procedures specific to each of these materials.

Consult our ethical code:

 RUBAU Ethical Code.

Corruption and fraud slow down economic development, and are detrimental to social justice and the rule of law, causing serious damage to the economy and society, and in many cases facilitating the operations of organized crime. RUBAU, established as a benchmark for its firm commitments to ethical principles, assumes the responsibility of actively participating in the challenge of preventing and fighting corruption and fraud in all its areas of activity. The Policy for the prevention of crimes and against corruption and fraud is intended to project to all RUBAU managers and employees, as well as to third parties who are related to the company, a message of outright opposition to the commission of any act unlawful criminal. This policy accredits RUBAU’s commitment to permanently monitoring and punishing fraudulent acts and conduct, maintaining effective communication and awareness mechanisms for all employees and developing a business culture of ethics and honesty, and sends a message resounding opposition to corruption and fraud in all its manifestations.

Consult our compliance Policy for Crime Prevention and Aainst Corruption and Fraud:

RUBAU compliance Policy for Crime Prevention and Aainst Corruption and Fraud.

This policy provides information about what the internal information channel consists of and what should be communicated through it. Additionally, it outlines the essential principles and guarantees for the use and management of the channel, as well as a usage guide. Finally, it details rights regarding the protection of personal data.
Whistleblowing Channel Policy – Internal Information Channel
CONSTRUCCIONES RUBAU, S.A. (hereinafter referred to as RUBAU) has established an internal mechanism to report potential breaches (Internal Information Channel) in accordance with the provisions of Law 2/2023, of February 20, which regulates the protection of persons reporting regulatory breaches and fighting corruption, as well as doubts and inquiries regarding the interpretation and application of its Crime Prevention Program.


Information Security

The Information Security Policy is the set of guidelines that govern the way in which Construcciones Rubau, S.A. manages and protects the information it processes and the services it provides. In the development of its activities, Rubau uses technologies and information management systems of a diverse nature.

Regardless of the use of technologies, and the information system, the security of the information must be guaranteed at all times, avoiding, as far as possible, unauthorized access, use or alteration, since incidents may affect the legitimate interests of Rubau.

At the same time, the rights of Rubau workers, their clients, their suppliers and other natural or legal persons with whom a relationship is established must be guaranteed. These rights include industrial and commercial secrecy and the fundamental right to the protection of personal data.

For this purpose, Rubau has prepared and approved this Information Security Policy, which is mandatory for all workers. With it, optimal use of information systems is promoted, guaranteeing the rights of the people who use them.

This policy is understood, implemented and kept up to date at all levels of the company and has the full commitment and support of Rubau Management, who establishes, develops and applies it through its Integrated Management System (hereinafter, S.G.I.) in accordance with the provisions of the UNE-ISO/IEC 27001:2014 standard.



Consult our Information Security Policy:

Information Security Policy



The company has invested the most effort in the area of quality and in focusing on clients and their needs.

To this end, a total quality system was introduced in the year 2000, in complete accord with the EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) model. This has enabled the implementation of systems for continuous improvement in the organisation and the structuring of processes with demonstrated effectiveness and efficiency. Rubau is certified under ISO Standard 9001, and was the first Spanish constructor to receive this certification.

The most important systems in the area of management are quality control systems, (the CPM System, widely recognised in Spain) and the cost control system. Moreover, the company’s organisation system is designed to not only satisfy external clients but also internal ones, enabling the development of high-level human resource programmes for the professional and personal development of members of the organisation through important processes of training and information.

As a result of the company’s significant commitment to quality, in the year 2000 Rubau received the Quality Award from the Government of Catalonia, the most important prize in this field awarded in Catalonia.




  • Reassure clients that the company has systems and organisational structures in place that allow it to attain the required level of quality through an approach based on maintaining our commitment to continuous improvement and legal compliance.
  • Ensure that Quality is synonymous with the company’s corporate image, in both national and international projects. This is a fundamental condition for the development of the brand and the attainment of its objectives.
  • Consolidate the company’s presence abroad, in countries such as Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia and Poland.
  • Guarantee all our personnel the level of training necessary to carry out their professional activities.
  • Obtain a high level of client satisfaction, combining the fulfilment of their requirements, and the analysis of their needs and the expectations of the relevant stakeholders.

Occupational Risk Prevention

Rubau has been renowned for some time for both commitment to and advances in the field of occupational risk prevention.

Rubau was one of the first Spanish companies to make a commitment to risk prevention management and since 1996 has had an occupational risk prevention management system integrated into the general management of the company, which is currently certified under the ISO 45001 standard. However, the most important contribution of the company in this field has been through the campaign Construyamos seguros [Let’s Build Safely]. This ambitious campaign was launched in the year 2000 and focuses on 8 important key areas. It is designed to provide technical and pedagogical tools to reduce industrial accident rates.

The significant commitment of the company in this area has been rewarded and well recognised at regional and national levels, most recently with the DIPLOOS National Work Safety Trophy.



As part of Construcciones Rubau’s commitment to ensuring the safety and health of everyone contributing to the efficient development of its activities, the company has established the need to define specific actions aimed at minimizing traffic accident risks, protecting the lives and health of employees, and promoting safe and responsible driving practices.

For this reason, the Management implements, maintains, and continuously improves a road safety management system in accordance with the ISO 39001 standard, committing to:


The Environment

Rubau is strongly committed to respecting and conserving our environment, which has enabled the development of innovative projects, one of the most important of these being the campaign Hormigónverde [Green Concrete]. This project involved the in-plant recycling of hot bituminous mixtures for the first time in Spain. Another project which deserves a mention is the book Gestión ambiental en la ejecución de obras [Environmental Management of Works], a pioneer work in the sector in the identification of the principal environmental factors in the construction process. Both of these are the result of efforts by the company to continually improve the environment since the company was certified under the ISO Standard 14001 in the year 2000.

Rubau’s numerous contributions in this area have received various awards, including the International SIM Prize in Italy and the European Award for the Environment.



  • Ensure the protection of the environment, complying with legislation and environmental regulations, both national and international, as well as any other requirements and commitments that exist, and the prevention of pollution.
  • Establish the principles of continuous improvement in environmental activities.
  • Achieve a high level of client satisfaction regarding environmental management in the company’s work centres both nationally and internationally.
  • Ensure the meaningful integration of environmental management in all areas and activities of the company and establish firm commitments with the communities in which we operate.
  • Promote active participation and a sense of responsibility among all the company’s employees with respect to the impact of their work on the environment, employing the necessary training and information to this end.



RUBAU has joined the Ministry’s initiative as a transparent company that discloses the emissions generated by its activities. The Carbon Footprint Registry, created by Royal Decree 163/2014, of March 14, records the efforts of Spanish organizations in calculating and reducing the greenhouse gas emissions generated by their activities. At the same time, it provides the possibility of offsetting all or part of their carbon footprint through a series of forestry projects located within the national territory. These projects integrate numerous environmental and social benefits, including the absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, also known as carbon sequestration. All registered footprints must be accompanied by a reduction plan and are verified before registration. When an organization is recognized for reducing its footprint, it is because it meets strict criteria demonstrating a downward trend in emissions. To recognize an offset within the framework of the Registry, the CO₂ tons acquired must come from projects registered within it.


The need to improve internal processes as well as the products and services we offer our clients has led us to develop a research and development programme to continually produce technological innovations.

This work is structured through an R&D&I Department, which carries out its activities based on a Development Plan that is reviewed annually. It has generated some very important projects for both the company and the sector in general.





  • Integrate R&D&I as a basic principle of the company and establish a policy of continuous improvement in the R&D&I process, improving the effectiveness of its Management System.
  • Assign the necessary resources for the development of R&D&I products and ensure system feedback.
  • Involve and commit the staff in order to seek their participation and motivation, offering them appropriate training, with the aim of ensuring personnel who are qualified to work within the R&D&I Management System.
  • Innovate in structural engineering, the recovery of industrial waste, environmental technology and materials technology, IT, fluid mixing and minimisation of occupational risks for lightweight constructions, roads, crushing plant machinery, hydraulic machinery and automated safety devices.
  • Ensure that the R&D&I projects and activities carried out by the company meet the needs and expectations of its clients.
  • Comply with the requirements of the current version of UNE standard 166002.



Construcciones Rubau, S.A. has taken a new step in its commitment to combating the negative impact that energy use has on the environment. For this reason, as a forward-thinking company, we have incorporated energy-saving and efficiency measures into our management model.

To demonstrate this firm commitment to energy management, we have implemented and certified an Energy Management System in accordance with the ISO 50001 standard. This system promotes a balance between economic profitability and energy efficiency in the procurement of energy and products, as well as in the design of facilities, with the aim of preserving natural resources, reducing atmospheric emissions, and contributing to mitigating the effects of climate change.



  • Establish and periodically review compliance with energy objectives and goals, providing the necessary resources to achieve them.
  • Ensure the availability of information to meet energy objectives and goals.
  • Comply with applicable legal requirements and other commitments the organization may assume, related to energy efficiency, use, and consumption.
  • Continuously improve energy performance and the Energy Management System, focusing efforts on the efficient use of energy resources required for activities and services.
  • Apply energy efficiency criteria in the acquisition of new products and services.
  • Promote energy-efficient design within the company to improve the energy performance of activities and services.
  • Establish and promote actions to foster a culture of energy efficiency among employees and within the organization.


Privacy Policy

Accessing and using the website (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”) confers user status upon the website visitor and implies the user’s total acceptance without reservation of the terms of use in force at any given time.

We consider the privacy of individuals, both visitors to our website and any other individuals who provide information through it, whose data is processed by CONSTRUCCIONES RUBAU, S.A. (hereinafter RUBAU) as part of the provision of services (hereinafter, “you” or the “user,” and in plural, “you all” or the “users”). In this regard, RUBAU is committed to processing your data in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations in force at all times. Specifically, RUBAU will comply with the principles established in Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, as well as those of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016, of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of individuals concerning the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.

In light of this, RUBAU informs about its Privacy Policy in order to inform users about the processing of their data, as well as the fundamental principles of personal data protection it applies. To do so, please refer to the sections below:

  1. Who is the Data Controller for the user’s personal data?Identity of the Data Controller: CONSTRUCCIONES RUBAU, S.A.Tax Identification Number (NIF): A17013863.Postal address: C/Pont Major, s/n, 17007, GironaPhone: 972 21 45 50.Email:
  2. What are the main purposes of processing the user’s personal data?
    • Execution and/or maintenance of any contractual relationship, and/or service management.
    • Handling and managing requests, issues, and/or inquiries made by users through or the provided contact channels.
    • Sending information, advertising, and commercial promotion of products, services, and activities of interest related to comprehensive construction services by any means, including electronic (email or equivalent means, such as SMS, mobile phones, etc.).
    • Knowing your opinion and feedback and keeping you informed about activities, news, special offers, and promotions of interest related to comprehensive construction services.
  3. What is the legal basis for processing your data?We will process your data when it is necessary to execute any contractual relationship or when the user has given their consent.In this regard, if the data provided in the corresponding forms belongs to a third party, the user is solely responsible for obtaining the third party’s consent to information on the aspects reflected in the Legal Notice and the Privacy Policy of the Website.
  4. How long will we keep your data?They will be kept for no longer than necessary for the aforementioned purposes of processing, as well as for the duration of legal requirements that determine their custody, and when it is no longer necessary for this purpose or when you request the deletion of your data. To this end, appropriate security measures will be applied to ensure the anonymization of the data or their total destruction.
  5. Who may be recipients of data communication?We inform you that we never transfer, sell, or exchange your personal data with third parties. However, your data may be transferred to competent authorities and/or entities in cases where there is a legal obligation or to other companies in the RUBAU Group or to third-party providers whose intervention is necessary for the aforementioned purposes.
  6. What are your rights when you provide us with your data?
    • Right to request access to personal data: you may ask RUBAU whether it is processing your data, and if so, access them.
    • Right to request rectification if the data is inaccurate or to complete incomplete data.
    • Right to request the deletion of your data when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.
    • Right to request the limitation of its processing: in this case, we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims.
    • Right to object to processing: RUBAU will stop processing personal data, except when there are legitimate reasons or for the exercise or defense of possible claims.
    • Right to data portability: if the user wants their data to be processed by another data controller, RUBAU will facilitate the transfer of their data to the new controller.
    • Right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing of personal data.

    If you have given consent for a specific purpose, you may withdraw it at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the prior consent.

    To exercise your rights, please notify us in writing to RUBAU, C/Pont Major, s/n, 17007, Girona, indicating your name, surname, address, or send us an email to: If there are doubts about your identity, it may be necessary to provide a copy of your ID card or equivalent document proving your identity and considered valid under the law. To do this, you can use the models and forms on the different rights available on the Spanish Data Protection Agency’s official website (

    We inform you of your right to file a complaint with the Control Authority, specifically, with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (, and other competent public bodies for any claim arising from your personal data.

  7. LinksThe Website may contain links to other websites. Please note that we are not responsible for the privacy and data processing of other websites. This Privacy Policy applies exclusively to information collected on the Website. We recommend that you read the privacy and data processing policies of other websites to which we link from our Website or that you visit in any other way.
  8. Social networksRUBAU has a presence on some of the main social networks on the Internet, and acts as the data controller in relation to the data published by RUBAU.RUBAU will process the data on each social network according to the rules established by each social network. Therefore, and unless otherwise indicated by RUBAU, we may inform our followers on the corresponding social network about our activities, events, and other related topics, including follower support, through the channels provided by the social network.RUBAU will not extract personal data from social networks unless the user gives us their express consent.
  9. Modifications and integrity of our Privacy PolicyWe will only use your personal data as established in the Privacy Policy in force at the time we collect your personal data. RUBAU reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time by publishing such modifications on our website, so we recommend that each time you visit, access the Privacy Policy. In the event that any clause of this Privacy Policy is annulled or considered void, the rest of the conditions will not be affected, retaining their full validity and effectiveness, in accordance with the current regulations applicable at all times.By using our website, the user acknowledges that they have read this Privacy Policy and our Legal Notice.

Last update date: October 2023